Meet Briana
Hey! Welcome to my blog!

My name is Briana Jazmin.
I’m a Mexipina in my 20’s, born and raised in the hella hyphy Bay Area, California! I am a full-time working mama crunching numbers in the finance world. I like rom-com movies, 2000’s R&B, summer, poke, pizza, sarcasm, and roller coasters (I swear I’m an adult sometimes).
My Loves

I have been with my caring, funny, loving (when he’s not being an a-hole) boyfriend, Marco since 2011, #highschoolsweethearts.
I’m mama to an amazing, funny, sweet, and bossy boy named Mateo. My little monster was born in May of 2018. He loves animals and cars and books and dancing and singing and puzzles – and I love that he loves all of those things. This boy has my heart.
More About Me
So a little more about me (since you’re on my About Me page).
My parents were 19 when I was born. They split when I was little. Around 6 or 7-years-old (I honestly don’t remember, actually). I’m happy to say, we are all one big, happy separated family!
When I was 10, my parents started popping out some more kids (with their new spouses). I grew up helping raise my four little sisters – two from my dad, two from my mom. Yes, ALL GIRLS (you’re welcome for giving you the boy you always wanted, dad). They are 10-18 years younger than me.
My sisters (aka my first children) have been such an important part of my life since the day each of them were born. They gave me a taste of what it was like to be responsible for little ones (boy, is it so much different having your own actual child).
Now, it’s time for me to raise my own little one. I can’t just hand this one back when his parents come home. I am his parent!
He has changed my life, which has been both amazing and terrifying.
My Why
I decided to start a blog for a few reasons – the main one being that I am obsessed with my baby boy and loving (for the most part) the new experiences of being a mother. So why not write about it, right?
Also, money. And flexibility. At the moment, this is my side-gig/for fun. But I am hoping that this will eventually grow into something much bigger (*speaking it into existence*).
Through my writing and research, I also learn a lot more about being a parent. I enjoy learning that there are so many other parents out there that are also not as perfect as they thought they’d be. It’s great to know we all screw up once in a while..
On my blog, you’ll find all things mama, baby, and everything in-between. And I’d love to hear from all of you parents and your different perspectives. Because there’s no one right way to parent!

Please join me in my journey as a new mother.
Through the happy, funny, sad, and frustrating moments. I’m a new mama learning each day how to raise a happy and heathy child in today’s world.
Every family, mama, and baby is different, but hopefully my experiences can help some new mama’s, and maybe even dada’s, out there adapt to their new lives as parents..if not, then a bottle of wine might do the trick.
Follow my journey on Instagram: @hellamamathings
Follow me on all my social media accounts: